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Start your divorce online in Arizona

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Benefits of an online divorce

With Divorce.com, you can easily prepare all the required divorce documents. Generate your divorce papers conveniently while saving time and money and avoiding stress. Why exhaust yourself with legal forms when you can put this energy to better use?

Divorce.com allows you to get ready-to-sign papers tailored specifically to your situation! You just need to print and sign the divorce paperwork. There is no need to hire an expensive divorce attorney. If the petitioner can sort out all the differences with their spouse, they can complete the paperwork online!

Benefits of an online divorce

Our platform is easily accessible from any device with internet access, including laptops, smartphones, and personal computers. Enjoy all the benefits of Divorce.com.

  • Complete the questionnaire at your own pace - the progress is saved
  • Make edits to your divorce forms at any time
  • Get your ready-to-sign divorce papers in just 2 business days
  • Download paperwork in a convenient PDF format and print it at any printer
Benefits of an online divorce

Arizona Divorce Forms

The list of forms for a petition for divorce with minor children is following:

  • Summons - DR11F
  • Family Court / Sensitive Data Cover Sheet with Children (Confidential Record) - DRSDS10F-C
  • Request for Protected Address - DRRPA10F
  • Preliminary Injunction - DR14F
  • Petition for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) with Minor Children - DRDC15F
  • Notice of Your Rights About Health Insurance Coverage When a Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) Is Filed - DRD16F
  • Order and Notice to Attend Parent Education/Information Program Class - DR12F
  • Affidavit Regarding Minor Children - DRCVG13F
  • Notice Regarding Creditors - DR16F
  • Parenting Plan - DRCVG11F
  • Current Employer (or Other Payor) Information Form - DRS88F

The list of forms for a petition for divorce without minor children:

  • Family Court / Sensitive Data Cover Sheet (Confidential Record) - DRSDS10F-A
  • Request for Protected Address - DRRPA10F
  • Summons - DR11F
  • Preliminary Injunction - DR14F
  • Petition for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) without Minor Child(ren) - DRDA10F
  • Notice of Your Rights About Health Insurance Coverage When a Petition for Dissolution (Divorce) Is Filed - DRD16F
  • Notice Regarding Creditors - DR16F

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DIY Paperwork

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Assisted Divorce

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Couples who are in agreement and want more personalized guidance.

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Fully Guided Divorce

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Couples who are not in agreement and need conflict resolution and step-by-step guidance.

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Steps to Consider

Filing for Divorce in Arizona

Residency Requirements

A divorce can not be initiated unless the spouses meet certain requirements. Residency requirements for Arizona are rather unique in comparison to most other states. One of the parties must be domiciled in Arizona or stationed as a member of the armed forces for at least 90 days before filing for a dissolution of marriage.

Grounds for Divorce

Arizona is a no-fault state. This means that a petitioner can initiate a divorce by simply stating that the marriage is irretrievably broken due to irreconcilable differences between the spouses.

However, the state of Arizona recognizes fault-based grounds for divorce if the partners are bound by a “covenant” marriage. The list of grounds includes:

  • Adultery
  • Commitment of felony
  • Willful abandonment for 1 year
  • physical/psychological abuse
  • Habitual drug/alcohol abuse
Initial Filing

Filing initial paperwork is rather straightforward. The petitioner needs to prepare divorce papers and file the petition with the court clerk in the county of one’s residence. Some counties provide an option to file by mail and even e-file, although it is better to find out more about this on the county court’s website.

This is an important step as it launches the whole divorce process. The case gets assigned a number, and the petitioner then proceeds to the next steps.

Filing Fees

Filing is not a free service. A petitioner needs to pay all of the required filing fees for the case to proceed. The amount required differs from county to county. However, the median filing fee in Arizona sits between $300 and $400. If the petitioner does not have the financial capacity to pay the filing fees, they can apply for a waiver and file for free.

Serving the Respondent

Proper service of divorce papers is a legal obligation of the petitioner. There are several ways to serve papers to the defendant in the state of Arizona:

  • Service by acceptance - the filing party mails or hands the papers in person.
  • Service by the sheriff - the petitioner hires a local county sheriff to serve the papers for a fee.
  • Service by a registered process server - the petitioner hires a professional server to deliver the papers to the defendant for a fee.
  • Service by publication - this option is used if the petitioner is not able to locate the spouse. Notice of service is published in the local newspaper and the divorce proceeds by default if there is no response.
Waiting Period

After the papers have been filed and served, the court issues a waiting period that is a minimum of 60 days before finalizing the divorce. If the divorce is contested, the waiting period is at least 90 days. It could become even longer if the partners cannot solve their issues. Everything depends on the circumstances of each case.

Finalizing a Divorce Case

The court schedules a hearing after the mandatory waiting period if the divorce is uncontested. The judge finalizes the divorce at the hearing by signing a Decree of Dissolution of the marriage.

Nonetheless, the divorce is not complete until the Decree is filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court!

How to Fill Out Divorce Forms in Arizona

Preparing divorce forms is not an easy stage in the uncontested divorce process. Several peculiarities and steps have to be followed for the petitioner to fill out all of the necessary divorce papers correctly, without professional help.

  • Spouses need to establish common grounds. An honest talk about all potential issues is a great way to resolve them.
  • Take time to find out more about Arizona family laws.
  • Go through all the divorce forms to get an understanding of each.
  • Prepare personal information and data required for the divorce paperwork.
  • Study official guides on how to fill out divorce forms.
  • Fill them out.
  • Re-read the divorce papers several times to check that there are no mistakes or typos.

The reason for precautions during the initial filling stage is simple - the court will not accept and file divorce documents prepared incorrectly. The petitioner will have to start over again.

Thankfully, Divorce.com is here to help prepare all of the required legal documents for an uncontested divorce.

With Divorce.com, you can reduce the exhausting paperwork preparation process to a trivial task that requires minimum effort! You just need to go through our online questionnaire and provide relevant information. The next step is to download your ready-to-sign divorce papers in just 2 business days. You can print, sign, and file them without any issues!

Child custody

Getting a Divorce with Children in Divorce.com

Child Custody

The state of Arizona recognizes physical and legal custody of a child.

Legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make important decisions regarding a child's welfare, such as education, religious affiliation, healthcare services, and so on.

Child custody

Physical custody is different. It provides a parent with the ability to live with the child. However, a parent with physical custody has to manage the everyday aspects of the child’s life, such as day-to-day care, shelter, and other things.

There are two types of custody - sole and joint. The first type gives one parent the exclusive right to live with the child. Joint custody is awarded to both parents who can equally share the time spent with the child.

Uncontested Divorce in Arizona

An uncontested divorce is when both spouses agree on every aspect of the divorce. This includes, but is not limited to, factors such as:

  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Allocation of debts
  • Property division
  • Alimony

If partners have settled these things, there is no need to go to court and argue with each other. Instead, spouses file divorce forms and provide a detailed explanation of how they resolved potential issues.

An uncontested divorce in Arizona is similar to other states. The petitioner has to meet residency requirements, prepare and file paperwork, and serve papers according to the family law. The court confirms that the case is in process and sets a hearing date after a mandatory waiting period. The judge reviews all of the papers and signs the divorce decree, if everything is in order.

As it is possible to see, an uncontested divorce in Arizona is rather straightforward.

Child Support

In Arizona, child support is heavily impacted by the Arizona Child Support Guidelines. These guidelines are based on the income share model. This means that a child should receive equal financial support from both parents’ individual gross income.

Child custody

Child support is paid in the form of payment from one parent to the other. In contested cases, the court can withhold funds from the parent’s paycheck.

If the divorce is uncontested, parents reach a mutual agreement regarding child support. As a result, child support is automatically paid each month directly from the parent’s bank account.

Child Support


How long will it take to get divorced in Arizona?

Usually, it takes 60 to 90 days to finalize a divorce in Arizona. Everything depends on the specifics of a case.

Can I get a free divorce in Arizona?

Yes, but only in the case of an uncontested divorce. A petitioner can request a waiver and file for divorce for free without paying the filing fees.

How do I file for divorce in Arizona?

A petitioner needs to fill out all of the required divorce forms. They are filed with the local county clerk and served to the defendant.

How much does a divorce cost in Arizona?

The cost of a divorce depends on the county of filing and lawyer fees. Filing fees range between $300 and $400. A divorce with a lawyer can hit a $6,000-10,000 price.