Deciding When to Discuss Divorce with Your Spouse

Deciding When to Discuss Divorce with Your Spouse

Deciding When to Discuss Divorce with Your Spouse

Learn when and how to approach the topic of divorce with your spouse, ensuring you're prepared for any response.


In this lesson, you’ll explore the key steps to decide when and how to discuss divorce with your spouse. We’ll guide you through understanding your readiness, considering your spouse’s potential reactions, and preparing for this critical conversation. By the end, you’ll have a clear plan and tools to help you approach this topic with confidence and care.


Why is timing important when discussing divorce?

Why is timing important when discussing divorce?

What should I do if I’m unsure about what I want from the divorce?

What should I do if I’m unsure about what I want from the divorce?

Should I involve a counselor or mediator in the first conversation?

Should I involve a counselor or mediator in the first conversation?

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