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Our platform streamlines the divorce process, guiding you to a desired outcome with minimal stress.

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Why Choose Divorce.com?

Benefits of an online divorce

Divorce.com is your go-to and easy-to-use online tool for preparing your divorce forms. You can generate all the required divorce papers conveniently. It will help you save a lot of money and avoid unnecessary stress to put your efforts into more important matters!

With Divorce.com, you can acquire divorce forms specific to your situation and easily fill them out. There is no need to hire expensive divorce attorneys. If spouses are on good grounds with each other, they can go through the whole divorce process by themselves.

Benefits of an online divorce

Our tool is fully accessible and functional from any device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone). All that is needed is an internet connection.

  • Go through the questionnaire at any time, and your progress is saved
  • Make changes and edit your forms on demand
  • Download all the generated forms in a convenient PDF format, after just 2 business days.

Make your preparation of divorce papers stress-free with Divorce.com!

Benefits of an online divorce

Ohio Divorce Forms

The list of divorce documents for cases of childless partners includes:

  • Form 6 - Complaint for Divorce Without Children
  • Form 1 - Affidavit of Basic Information, Income, and Expenses
  • Form 2 - Affidavit of Property and Debt
  • Form 19 - Separation Agreement
  • Form 10 - Answer to Complaint for Divorce Without Children
  • DR Form 31/Juvi Form 10 - Request for Service
  • Form 14, Judgment Entry - Decree of Divorce Without Children

The list of divorce forms for couples with children is the following:

  • Form 7 - Complaint for Divorce With Children
  • Form 1 - Affidavit of Basic Information, Income, and Expenses
  • Form 2 - Affidavit of Property and Debt
  • Form 3 - Parenting Proceeding Affidavit
  • Form 4 - Health Insurance Affidavit
  • Form 5 - Motion and Affidavit or Counter Affidavit for Temporary Orders Without Oral Hearing
  • DR Form 31/Juvi Form 10 - Request for Service
  • Form 11 - Answer to Complaint for Divorce With Children
  • Form 19 - Separation Agreement
  • Form 20 - Shared Parenting Plan
  • Form 21 - Parenting Plan
  • Form 15, Judgment Entry - Decree of Divorce With Children

Generate your divorce forms online, without
hidden fees and delays!

DIY Paperwork

Ideal For:

Couples who are in complete agreement and want to reduce the hassle of the filing process.

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Assisted Divorce

Ideal For:

Couples who are in agreement and want more personalized guidance.

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Fully Guided Divorce

Ideal For:

Couples who are not in agreement and need conflict resolution and step-by-step guidance.

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Steps to Consider

Filing for Divorce in Ohio

Residency Requirements

Spouses who want to file for a divorce in Ohio must meet specific residency requirements. To be more specific, the court can grant a dissolution of marriage to partners if at least one of them has been a resident of Ohio for a minimum of 6 months before the initial filing.

One of the partners has to be a resident of the county where they want to file for a minimum of 90 days.

Grounds for Divorce

The state of Ohio recognizes both fault-based and no-fault grounds for divorce.

A no-fault divorce refers to the divorce process where neither spouse committed misconduct. Grounds for a no-fault divorce are:

  • Irreconcilable differences that led to the irretrievable breakdown of marriage
  • Voluntary separation for a minimum period of 1 year

A divorce is fault-based if one of the partners committed misconduct. Grounds for a fault-based divorce are:

  • Adultery
  • Cruelty
  • Bigamy
  • Imprisonment
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Fraudulent contract
  • Wilful desertion for 1 year
  • Gross neglect of duty
Initial Filing

Spouses must file divorce forms with the District Court of Common Pleas if they want to do it in Ohio. Moreover, it is important to remember that papers need to be filed in the county where one of the parties has resided for a minimum of 90 days.

Partners can file their divorce papers together if their divorce is uncontested. However, it might be good to contact the local county clerk and get information about the required papers.

Filing Fees

The court requires the petitioner to pay a mandatory filing fee. The necessary amount of money varies from county to county. However, the filing fee ranges between $200 and $300.

If the petitioner cannot pay filing fees due to financial hardship, one can apply for a waiver. The court reviews this request and allows the petitioner to file for free if financial papers provide evidence of financial struggles.

Serving the Respondent

The filing party has to notify the respondent regarding the divorce process. It is also required to deliver all the papers. There are several ways of serving papers in the state of Ohio:

  • Certified mail
  • Hire a sheriff
  • Hire a certified private server

The majority of people choose the first option as it is cheaper. Hiring a sheriff or private server is a viable option as well. If the petitioner cannot locate the spouse, it is possible to serve by publication in the local newspaper.

Waiting Period

The court cannot finalize the divorce until 30 days have passed since the date of filing. Moreover, these 30 days give the petitioner time to serve papers to the respondent properly.

A 30-day time period may not be enough for the court to process papers and grant a divorce. Everything depends on the specifics and details of the case and the court's workload.

Finalizing a Divorce Case

In the case of an uncontested divorce, the court sets a hearing after processing all the documents. It often takes only one hearing for an uncontested divorce to be finalized. If divorce becomes contested, it may be required to attend multiple hearings until all the disagreements are settled. This means a contested divorce can take much more time than an uncontested one.

How to Fill Out Divorce Forms in Ohio

Preparation of divorce forms is one of the most complicated and time-consuming stages in the process of divorce. That is why many steps have to be followed in order to fill out divorce forms properly.

  • Partners should talk to find common ground and make sure that there are no disagreements
  • Study Ohio family laws and regulations to acquire the required legal knowledge
  • Read every divorce form to understand its purpose
  • Gather all the necessary personal data and any other documents that are required to fill out your forms
  • Take time to study instructions for filling out papers
  • Fill out divorce forms
  • Check if there are any typos and/or mistakes several times
  • It is essential to understand that the clerk will not accept and file the papers if there are mistakes. Naturally, spouses will be required to go through the whole process again, which takes time.

    Divorce.com is an excellent alternative to the exhausting process of paperwork preparation. Our online tool provides all the necessary instruments for spouses to generate their divorce papers for an uncontested divorce.

    The whole process is simple - go through our online questionnaire, provide some necessary information, and download your ready-to-sign divorce forms in just 2 business days.

    The next step is super simple: print, sign, and file papers with our complimentary step-by-step filing guide.

It is essential to understand that the clerk will not accept and file the papers if there are mistakes. Naturally, spouses will be required to go through the whole process again, which takes time.

Divorce.com is an excellent alternative to the exhausting process of paperwork preparation. Our online tool provides all the necessary instruments for spouses to generate their divorce papers for an uncontested divorce.

The whole process is simple - go through our online questionnaire, provide some necessary information, and download your ready-to-sign divorce forms in just 2 business days.

The next step is super simple: print, sign, and file papers with our complimentary step-by-step filing guide.

Child custody

Getting a Divorce with Children on Divorce.com

Child Custody

The state of Ohio recognizes two types of custody: sole and joint.

Sole custody is referred to as “parental rights and responsibilities.” Under sole custody, a child lives most of the time with one parent, also known as a residential parent.

Child custody

Joint custody is known as “shared parenting.” Under this type of custody, parents spend equal time with a child. The court may assign one of the parents’ homes as the child's place of residence, if needed.

If parents cannot reach a custody agreement, the court is likely to advise them to try out mediation. It is a negotiation process during which both spouses are trying to resolve their conflict with the help of a third party. A professional mediator does not provide legal advice - the main task is to navigate and lead partners to an agreement.

Uncontested Divorce in Ohio

An uncontested divorce is a relatively straightforward procedure. However, it is required to follow some necessary steps to make it work.

  • Talk with your partner and sort out all potential issues and points of conflict
  • Confirm one spouse meets the residency requirements
  • Acquire the necessary divorce forms from the court to fill out yourself or get ready-to-sign papers from Divorce.com
  • File the papers with the local county clerk and pay the fees
  • Serve the documents to the defendant via mail or through the services of a sheriff/server
  • Provide the court with evidence of service
  • Wait for the court to assign a hearing date
  • Attend the hearing and receive a decree of divorce
  • All-in-all, an uncontested divorce is not that hard. Preparation of legal papers is probably the hardest step. Thankfully, Divorce.com is here to help.

All-in-all, an uncontested divorce is not that hard. Preparation of legal papers is probably the hardest step. Thankfully, Divorce.com is here to help.

Child Support

Under the state of Ohio family law, both parents are obligated to support the child. Courts have specific guidelines that determine the amount of financial support a parent must provide.

Child custody

Child support payments are not affected by the partners’ behavior while still married. However, the judge may move from the state’s guidelines regarding child support, if they consider that a different approach is in the child's best interests.

A judge may consider a variety of factors to determine the amount of support, including:

  • Earning ability of a child
  • Special needs of a child
  • Who pays for the day-to-day needs of a child
  • A potential standard of living that a child could have had if parents did not divorce
Child Support


How long will it take to get divorced in Ohio?

It usually takes 30 to 90 days for a divorce to be finalized in the state of Ohio.

Can I get a free divorce in Ohio?

Yes, if spouses are aiming for a DIY divorce. The Petitioner may request a waiver to file for free if your financial situation does not allow you to pay fees.

How do I file for divorce in Ohio?

Partners need to acquire, fill out, and file divorce papers with the local Court of Common Pleas. It is also possible to file through the e-filing platform, although it is required to double-check if the county of filing allows it.

How much does a divorce cost in Ohio?

The medium cost of divorce is $3,000-8,000. The cost of filing a divorce is around $200 to $300, depending on the county. However, the expenses may increase dramatically if an attorney’s services are used.