5 Steps To Take for a Fast Divorce
By Divorce.com staff
Updated Sep 20, 2022

Some divorce cases can have waiting periods that drag on for six months, a year, or more, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. If your partner is willing to work with you, you can take steps to speed up the process. A fast divorce eliminates much of the time, money, and stress involved in a drawn-out divorce process.
Sometimes, you can skip the divorce attorneys and legal advice and save a copious amount of time. However, some parts (such as divorce papers, forms, paperwork, and petitions) may be required even when parties agree to a no-fault divorce. Here’s what you can do to move on from your divorce and build a new future as soon as possible.

Five Steps for a Fast Divorce: Overview
Divorce takes time, and partners must be on the same page if they want their divorce to move quickly. You have a lot of choices to make, dealing with significant issues, division of property, and sometimes child support and alimony. Keep yourselves on the path of least resistance and continue to communicate every step of the way.
- Communicate with your partner if possible
- Stay calm and meet your deadlines
- Attempt an uncontested divorce
- Explore mediation
- Consider online divorce with Divorce.com
1. Communicate With Your Partner if Possible
Communication can be difficult during a divorce, especially if it was already tricky during the marriage. Communicating with your partner during a divorce is more important than ever. This is especially true if you have children because you’ll need to be effective communicators for the rest of your lives.
You’re already getting a divorce. There’s no sense in obfuscating communication any further. Discuss the merits of opting for a stress-free divorce. Even if you and your partner aren’t in a place to be friendly, you both have one thing in common.
No one wants a drawn-out, messy, expensive, stressful, and time-consuming divorce. You share a common goal. You just need to communicate sufficiently enough to work towards that goal.
2. Stay Calm and Meet Your Deadlines
You and your partner need to work together for a seamless divorce. Establish dates and times for meaningful conversations. The process can begin as soon as you’re both ready. Before you start, you’ll need to discuss the best possible divorce method for you. Litigated or contested divorces tend to take the longest. Plan to attempt more accessible methods first.
3. Attempt an Uncontested Divorce
An uncontested divorce is where both parties begin the divorce process in complete agreement. If you have a prenuptial agreement and you’ve already discussed what you both want, you can move forward with an uncontested divorce.
What Are the Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce?
- Cheaper Option
- Faster than Contested Divorce
- Retains Your Privacy
Uncontested divorces are very inexpensive when compared to contested divorces. Contested divorces involve hiring lawyers. Divorce proceedings can sometimes take longer than a year. During that process, all of the private details of your life will become a part of the court’s records.
Uncontested divorces are very private, quick, and efficient. They’ll spare your family the stress of divorce becoming a public affair.
When Can You Get an Uncontested Divorce?
You can get an uncontested divorce when you and your partner can effectively communicate and cooperate. If you both generally agree on how you want to settle your divorce, an uncontested divorce allows you to conclude your marriage privately or on your terms.
You can create terms like dividing property, child custody, and child support. You can choose what works best for your life, even if it isn’t what the court would recommend.
If you have a hard time concluding you’re both satisfied with it, you’ll need to explore other options for divorce.
4. Explore Mediation
Divorce mediation is an excellent option for couples who agree on many aspects of their divorce but need help with a few essential considerations. A mediator will become a part of your divorce discussion. The mediator listens to the concerns of both sides and offers suggestions for compromises and methods that will help both parties feel satisfied with the outcome.
When you reach conclusions, you can live with them; the mediator will help you create a settlement agreement. You use this document to file for divorce. A judge will review and approve the document. The judge will approve the deal if the court has no questions or concerns. From there, you can receive your divorce decree and finalize your divorce.
Four key benefits:
- Quicker and less stressful
- Less expensive
- More peaceful
- Best for family relationships
Quicker and Less Stressful
Mediation allows you to discuss your divorce on your terms and your schedule. You don’t need to wait for lawyers' availability or scheduled court dates. Any time you and your partner can sit down and continue discussions, you can work towards a satisfactory conclusion to your marriage.
Mediators can work virtually, so you don’t need to commute to have these critical discussions. You and your partner can remain in your respective homes and enjoy some healthy distance from each other. Navigating your divorce from the comfort and privacy of your own home and on your terms makes the situation much less stressful.
Less Expensive
Although a great lawyer is worth the price you’ll pay, the price is often high. You'll rack up a hefty bill if you need a lawyer for countless court dates. You might have to take time off work to attend divorce court or pay for childcare while you and your partner are in court. Litigated or contested divorce becomes expensive very quickly.
It’s far less expensive to work with a mediator than to hire lawyers. Your children can play in their bedrooms while you’re having adult conversations, and you can choose a time when you and your partner are off work to have a mediation session.
More Peaceful
Divorce court can invite chaos into your life. When lawyers argue in both corners, and a judge must approve all the most critical decisions, your debates are bound to be intense.
Your lives are on display at divorce court, which can be stressful. The events leading to the end of your marriage were likely stressful enough. Why compound that stress when it may not be necessary to do so?
Mediation offers a little more peace. Rather than contesting aspects of your divorce, you work through them to find a compromise. If you’re willing to consider your partner’s needs, mediation can be a far more peaceful experience than a contested divorce.
Best for Family Relationships
Divorce can be traumatic for children. Their lives will change due to the divorce, and it’s best to keep the transition as smooth as possible. You don’t want your children to see their parents fighting and stressed out. You don’t want to put them in a position where they feel they have to choose sides.
You might also want to maintain a relationship with your former in-laws. They’ll attend holidays, special events, and celebrations for your children. A discreet mediation can help to keep things cordial so everyone can continue to get along when it matters most.
5. Consider Online Divorce With Divorce.com
Divorce.com offers all the tools you need for an online divorce. You can file yourselves in less than an hour. If your ultimate goal is to pursue a simple uncontested divorce, you’ll be done in just a few short weeks.
Final Thoughts
A simple uncontested divorce doesn’t take a very long time. Try mediation if you still have some issues you need to work out. Both paths to divorce are much faster than moving your divorce proceedings through the court.
Divorce.com makes it easy to file for divorce, even if you need the help of a mediator or a family lawyer.